
Showing posts from May, 2023

Samizdat Mechanic

 Samizdat uses a very simple mechanic for determining results of skill rolls.  Each character attribute is rated from 1 to 5. Each character skill is associated with an attribute, and itself is rated from 0 to 5. By combining your character's attribute with your character's skill, we get a target number.  Even if your character is trying something that they have 0 skill in, your character can fall back on their attribute score as a slim chance for success. Your session moderator may assign penalties that reduces your character's chances, while assigning a bonus that improves that chance.  So your character's skill roll is determined by taking your target number, adding or subtracting any bonuses or penalties, then rolling two standard dice. If the roll is below the adjusted target number, it was a success. If the roll is the adjusted target number, then the procedure was partially successful. Roll 1d3 for number of complications. (e.g. you attacked a guard - while you m

Please excuse our dust!

 Sorry, we've only just punched a hole in the wall to access a void to host Samizdat RPG out of. Please excuse our dust!